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Easter Resources for Kids

Our Children's Minister has put together some resources to help you engage your children this Easter.  We encourage you to download or print the bulletins and sermon notes prior to Sunday's service. 

Easter Story Video

Check out this fun video for kids of all ages that tells the story and meaning of Easter. 

Sermon Notes for Older Kids

Important Information

How long will the service last? 
The service will last 60 minutes. 

What time should I arrive? 
The services will start promptly at 9:30 and 11:00.  It will take about 10 minutes to park and get to your seat.

Where will I park? 
There will be parking attendants to help direct you if the parking lot becomes full.

Will you take up an offering? 
We will be taking up an offering. Guests are encouraged to fill out a welcome card and place that in the offering plate when it is passed.
 Learn more about how to give by clicking HERE

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