The process

The first step of becoming a disciple is to hear, understand, and believe the gospel. It is the good news that Jesus died for our sins, and we can now enjoy life with Jesus as our Lord and Savior. This changes everything about us.
Click here to learn more about the gospel.
Click here to learn more about the gospel.

Christians aren't meant to live life alone. We need each other for encouragement and support. At FBC, we experience community through worship services, Sunday school classes, small group discipleship groups, church fellowships and more.
We hope you will grow with us through community.
We hope you will grow with us through community.

Just as Jesus sent out his first disciples, every Christian today has also been sent out. Whether to your neighbor across the street, or the orphan across the world, we must live life on mission for God. This involves sharing our faith, or meeting the needs of someone to share the love of God. As you serve the Lord, join us in serving the world in Jesus' name.